ClutchMax is a subsidiary of Novus Automotive

ClutchMaxu00a020+ years of history supplying very best clutch products to top tieru00a0clutch brands in Japan, UK, Australia and U.S.u00a0ClutchMaxu00aeu00a0has taken this experience and a new approach to re-engineer performance clutch industry and is now one of the fastest growing performance clutch company in the world. ClutchMaxu00ae contributes this growth to its commitment in the innovation and highest quality of the products that we design andu00a0manufacture, complimented by an industry leading warranty and unparalleled customer service.


What's included in this kit:

  • Brand new OEM Specification HD Pressure Plate
  • Brand new OEM Specification HD Clutch Disc (9-1/8" x 1"u00a0x 14u00a0spline)
  • Brand new OEM Specification HD Throw-outu00a0Bearing
  • Brand new Clutch Alignmentu00a0Tool
  • Clutch Installation Guide

Vehicle Application

  • Fits 1987 - 1988 Cadillac Cimmaron (2.8L OHV 6cyl)
  • Fits 1990u00a0- 1992 Chevrolet Beretta (2.3L DOHC 4cyl Quad 4; Getrag 5-speed)
  • Fits 1987u00a0- 1992 Chevrolet Beretta (2.8L OHV 6cyl; 3.1L OHV 6cyl; Getrag 5-speed)
  • Fitsu00a01987u00a0- 1992 Chevrolet Cavaileru00a0(2.8L OHV 6cyl; 3.1L OHV 6cyl; Getrag 5-speed)
  • Fits 1987u00a0- 1988u00a0Chevrolet Celebrity (2.8L OHV 6cyl;u00a0Getrag 5-speed)
  • Fits 1987u00a0- 1992 Chevrolet Corsica (2.8L OHV 6cyl; 3.1L OHV 6cyl; Getrag 5-speed)
  • Fits 1990 - 1990 Chevrolet Lumina (3.1L OHV 6cyl)
  • Fits 1986u00a0- 1988 Pontiac 6000 (2.8L OHV 6cyl)
  • Fits 1986u00a0- 1988 Pontiac Fiero (2.8L OHV 6cyl,u00a05-speed Muncie Getrag 282 MG2)
  • Fitsu00a01988 - 1991 Pontiac Grand Am (2.3L DOHC 4cylu00a0Quad 4; 8th digid VIN 'A')
  • Fits 1988 - 1992 Pontiac Grand Prix (2.8L OHV 6cyl; 3.1L OHV 6cyl)
  • Fits 1991 - 1992 Pontiac Sunbird (3.1L OHV 6cyl)
  • Fits 1987 - 1991 Pontiac Tempest (2.8L OHV 6cyl; 3.1L OHV 6cyl)