ClutchMaxu00aeu00a0has 20+ years of history supplying very best clutch products to top tieru00a0clutch brands in Japan, UK, Australia and U.S.u00a0ClutchMaxu00aeu00a0has taken this experience and a new approach to re-engineer performance clutch industry and is now one of the fastest growing performance clutch company in the world. ClutchMaxu00ae contributes this growth to its commitment in the innovation and highest quality of the products that we design andu00a0manufacture, complimented by an industry leading warranty and unparalleled customer service.
What's included in this complete bundle set:
- Brand new HD Premiumu00a0Flywheel
- Brand new HDu00a0Premiumu00a0Pressure Plate
- Brand new HD Premiumu00a0Clutch Disc (7-7/8"u00a0x 1" x 21u00a0spline)
- Brand new Release Bearing
- Brand new Alignmentu00a0Tool
- Clutch Installation Guide
Vehicle Application
- Fits 1985 - 1988 Chevrolet Nova (1.6L SOHC 4cyl)
- Fits 1989 - 4/1991 Geo Prizm (1.6L DOHC 4cyl;u00a0fits 8th digit of VIN '6')
- Fitsu00a01984u00a0- 1992u00a0Toyota Corolla (1.6L SOHCu00a04cyl 4AC; 4AFE;u00a0fits all model except AWD, RWD, GTS)
- Fits 1987 - 1988 Toyota Corollau00a0FX; FX16u00a0(1.6L SOHC 4cyl 4ALC; 1.6L DOHC 4cyl 4AGELC)